On the recent work of Sean Paul (Pair of stability and energy asymptotic)
埼玉大学理学部1号館3階 基礎数理演習室 (このページの理学部と書いてある建物が1号館です)
四ツ谷直仁氏(The University of Science and Technology of China)
On the recent work of Sean Paul (Pair of stability and energy asymptotic)
This is the survey talk on (semi)stability notions in Kahler and algebraic geometry defined by S.Paul (Annals of Math.(175),2012,arXiv:1308.4377, 1310.5544) very recently. The fundamental motivation to consider this new perspective of stability relates the “standard conjecture”–necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of “canonical” Kahler metrics. Paul’s crucial point of view is to generalize the Kempf-Ness theorem in (finite dimensional) Geometric Invariant Theory in order to capture the asymptotic behavior of K-energy map. In the first half of our discussion, we will quick review on the classical GIT and will see the most powerful tool “Hilbert-Mumford criterion”. Later on, we will likely to develop our argument to infinite dimensional case for dealing with the K-energy map in Kahler potentials. It is the aim of this talk to share our understandings on the recent development of Kahler Geometry.